Serbian Orthodox Church in Idjos dedicated to St. Archangel Michael and Gavrilo, was built in 1787 and was built of hard material on already, according to the urban law, a certain place. On its western façade, two years of significance for raising were recorded, the first one mentioned above, and the second year of the reconstruction of the temple in 1863. Its appearance of late baroque and classical characteristics is classified in a large group of similar temples built in the 18th century, by type projects, and renovated in XIX veku. To the left of the north gate, in the middle of the path around the church, an iron cross is placed in front of the stone slab, while the outline of the foundations of the chapel that once existed was recognized on the path. According to the folk tradition, the “miracle-maker” of St. Rafailo, who healed the prayers.Above his grave a chapel was erected by many patients, as evidenced by many votive items with old Serbian and Latin inscriptions.
The temple is single-breasted with a polygonal apse in the eastern breadth of the nave, while the west facade is a tall, with a tower that rises above the baroque fronts. On the façade, in the central shallow risalite marked by pilasters, one arched window is placed above the entrance, and on each side there is a blind window on each side, below which are the blinds of the square shape on the ground floor. The central rhizalite ends with a profiled tympanum that fits on the profiled wicker wreath. Above the very tip of Tympanon there is a small okulus. Kalkani are laterally marked with akroteries in the form of a vase. The side facades, except for parts, are fitted with an open and one blind window, are unusually broken down by lysens (as in the case of a washstand), and in the windows with windows with decorative plastics. All windows are segmented,and the characteristic motif of the 18th century in the form of hanging fabric with tassels (lambreken) descends below the window. The tooth of the arc is a tooth. Double pilasters support profiled arches between which are individually mounted windows.
In the northern wall, a cross tombstone of Teodor Pavlovic was built, on which was inscribed in 1779, and was brought from an old cemetery.
The roof is bleak and covered with pepper tile.
Following the architectural design, the interior of the church is painted white in two shades of blue, and the ornaments are made with pink tones. In the interior of the church there is a multi-storey iconostasis, late baroque carvings, and it was painted in 1802 by Aleksej Nikiforović, a great-grandson master, which is recorded on the cartridge, as a long record with the meaning of the ruler, the Archbishop of Karlovac and the bishop of Timisoara. It is the only known to date his work on which he presented himself as a painter of modest possibilities. His figures are static, disproportionately long bodies and small heads. The painter avoids compositions, and if he gives them space, he is not sufficiently worked, because it is to be assumed that the painter did not have enough knowledge to plan the area more closely in architecture or landscape.
The division into the zones is striking, the vertical division of columns and pilasters with a host of classical details is also emphasized. Above the iconic icons are two bird-like eyelashes that appear in the twist of twisted branches and oak leaves.
At the Virgin Throne is the icon of the Arabian Mother of God, and at the Bishop’s Throne is the icon of St. Nicholas and the symbolic performance bore under her, the work of an unknown master from 1826.
In the church, two separate icons are preserved: The Crossing of the Cross from 1832, and St. Nicholas from 1852.