An unusual building known as the “twins” composed of two identical pieces, as a mirror image, separated by open passage.
It was built for the Subotica Building Company (Szabadka épitő rt) in 1912 according to the project Žigmonda Siklaia (Sziklai Zsigmond), architects from Budapest, as a business building – the first department store. After the transition to the ownership of the Konen family, which commissioned the upgrade projects immediately before the First World War, which prevented the implementation of the extension.
For the center of the city are of great importance as they are in contrast to the traditional style of eclectic or secession that dominates the city, but in that early period they were conceived according to the principle of international modernity, whose motto was the functionality and simplicity of the architectural whole. The ground floor is dominated by large glazed exhibitions, and on the first floor are rectangular windows that resemble their windows on the windows of the Vienna Secession.
The building is unique not only by its function and appearance, but also by the skeleton-constrictive structure, with a flat roof unusual for the beginning of the 20th century and it operates inconspicuous.
On the left side of the building two floors were added in 1997.

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