From the Minutes from the session of the Church Committee of the Serbian Orthodox Church School in Martonoš, held on February 28, 1896, we learn that, according to the wishes of Nataša Šećerov, born Dobrički in Martonoš, the construction of a chapel dedicated to the Great Martyr Georgi on the Orthodox cemetery in Martonoš was allowed. As Natasha Shezerov had no descendants, and since the age of twenty-two she was a widow, she empowered her nephew Vlajko Uglješin from Martonoša to take care of all of her estate. The church municipality informs the benefactor that part of the funds (1,500 forints) will be paid to the local church box for the allocated land for raising the chapel, and the amount of 1,000 forints will be placed on the “priod” in the martonian savings bank and be run as “Nate Šečerov Foundation, Dobricki “. All the obligations of maintaining the chapel raised were settled from the received interest,as well as six annual worships. From the church yearbook we find out that Vlajko Uglješin renewed the chapel from inside and outside in 1929, and the chairs were made by Đura Čavić, the carpenter’s master.
Chapel dedicated to the Great Teacher of St. Georgy in the northeastern part of the Orthodox graveyard was built in the style of eclecticism with the prevailing influence of the neovizantial polychromatic facade. We do not know the name of the designer, but it is certainly a typical project that the Ministry of Construction has given to the realization of church municipalities. A similar chapel was erected at the Orthodox cemetery in Alexandrov.
The chapel is a smaller church building, rectangular basics with a semicircular apse in the east and a rational façade in the west where the entrance of a semicircular end is placed above which the bell tower rises. Semicircularly finished monophores on the north, south and east facades are accentuated by alternately set yellow and red bricks. Identical windows also appear on the bell tower. Along with the polychrome bricks, the lines of angular pilasters, undercover crown were emphasized, and the line of the base of the bell tower and kalkana was pointed out with a toothed series of red bricks. The chapel was covered with a tile and a tile that was replaced by a completely new red pepper tile for individual damages when it was upgraded and unsuitable tiles on the western facade, which made the building devastated. Inside, the iconostasis is made of linden tree, without bark.Vertical is broken down by canalized pillars, with base and capitals on which vases appear as acrobatics, and in the horizontal toothy row and shaped wreath. The icons were made with oil on canvas and they are an anonymous author.
In addition to artistic values, the chapel has an undoubtedly historical significance because it represents a memorial to one of the richest families in Martonos, which has contributed to its economic and cultural progress with its benefits.