The great Serbian national benefactor, Nenad Vujin, born in Montenegro, on May 6, 1889, in front of the battlefield, left his will for the case of his death in which he left all his movable and immovable property to the Serbian Matriarch in Novi Sad. In his will, the benefactor expressed his desire not to sell his country in Montenegro, but only houses and house land. By coming from the country Matica srpska founded a fund called “The Nenad Vujin Foundation”. From the funds of the Foundation, annual support was given to the Serbian Orthodox Church and to the religious school in Crna Bara. The students of Serbian nationality who attend secondary and higher schools in Novi Sad and Sremski Karlovci received scholarships under the Rules on Scholarships established by Matica Srpska.
The chapel of the Vujin family on the Orthodox cemetery in Montenegro was built from the funds of the “Nenad Vujin Foundation” in 1926. It was built in a neovizantian style according to the projects of Daka Popovic, and the construction work was carried out by Dusan Tosic, both from Novi Sad. Its construction falls at the same time as the construction of the monumental SPC “The Worship of the Lord” in Ada, built in the same style, according to projects of the same architect.
The chapel is with a mildly emphasized cruciform base, with a semicircular apse on the inside, with an external polygonal, and a dome on four arched arches. Facade canvas is simple processing, without decorative elements, made by lycans. The entrance to the chapel is a flat ending over three rocks, a semicircular staircase. On the north and south sides there is one arc-shaped bifur, and on the apse one narrow monofora. The windows were painted with colored glass, geometric-plant ornaments. The roof cover is sheet metal, and the dome on the top carries a cross. The chapel with cast iron castle makes it a unique whole.
Inside, there are smaller iconostasis, modest processing, and icons worked in 1927 Uroš Predić. The walls were painted with the figures of the saints, but in the meantime they were interrupted. In the chapel there was also a celebrated icon of the family Vujin, sv. Stefan Dečanski (St.Mrata), work by Uroš Predić, oil on a wooden surface, dim. 98 x 60 cm. The icons were made with oil on canvas, laminated on the board.
Prestone icons – the Virgin with little Christ and Jesus Christ, were made with oil technique on a wooden base, a few years ago they disappeared from the chapel.
Chapel Vujin at the Orthodox cemetery in Montenegro is an architecturally beautiful example of the harmony and simplicity of a smaller church building of a neo-Zantian stylistic orientation. In addition, it has historical and cultural values because it is the only commemoration of the national goodwill of Nenad Vujin from whose endowments were educated children of poor Serbs.

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