The church was built in 1822. The conception of space, volume and decorative elements, both purely stylistic, and those taken from folk creations, is a blend of baroque-classical features of a particular variant. The interior of the interior (preaching room, choirs, bench-seats, central cult place “paradis” organ) were made in the classical style. Naos is under the ceiling, there is no arch.
The church is one-nave, located on the elevation of the wavy terrain that dominates it. The side walls and apses are broken down by pilasters resting on the posts and ending with the Ionian semi-sculptors, below which two bells come in the form of bells coming out from each other. The unusual dome was made in a special stylization of Baroque, covered with sheet, decorated with colored yellow tin plant reliefs. On the apses are exterior semicircular windows, inside built-in. The outer appearance of the side walls corresponds to the inner, with equally distant pilasters, profiled capitals and semicircular openings.