Stefan Milinović (1745-1811) is a descendant of Senjan border “vexillarius” Nesja, who received the Hungarian nobility on March 1, 1751 for his wife Milinko Adamov and for children Jovan, Todor, Irene and Jelen. The family coat of arms is a white flag on a red shield, on the top of a helmet helmet with a crown, and on it a black eagle of wings spread. Nasha was from the same family as Plavs Milinovic, the only officer in the Eugenian army against the Turks in the battle of Senta in 1697. Stefan received his German-speaking authority from which in 1790 he inherited a half. There was not much of this acquired property. It consisted of 350 acres of land, with the Mayor, the vineyard and half of the shed. In addition, he had two houses at the market-shop, one of which had been sacrificed to the Orthodox Church for the establishment of scholarships. In the first place they had the right cousins on the scholarship,But the coups and others. Scholarships were established by the will of June 15, 1810, and they entered the life of 1819 and were one of the earliest scholarships in the city. In the period from 1819 to 1915, 25 young men and women were educated from the funds of the endowment of Stefan Milinović and his offspring. In his extensive will, he cited a number of relatives whom he had left individually, and most of all “his love wife Marie” and his son Jovan. He also assisted the Serbian Orthodox churches – the Subotica, the Sandanski (today Aleksandrovo), the Senac, the Old Town, and the three monasteries – Bođane, Kovilj and Vrdnik, and the “Roman Catholic Church” also helped “religious tolerance”. In his testament, he cited the help of the city orphanage, as well as assistance for the construction of a Serbian Orthodox orphanage, which unfortunately did not occur. Stefan died in 1811.He was buried next to the church. His son Jovan died young and was buried in the church gate, and Stevan’s son, John, died without male birth. Stevan had well-known lawyers and deputies for the zeal. Mile Milosavljevic was a deputy in the Hungarian and a church assembly in Subotica, and he died without successor. Second son-in-law, Nika Maksimovic, in Sombor, left behind the son of Dr. Stevan Maksimovic, the landowner and former Mayor of Sombor.the landlord and former Mayor of Sombor.the landlord and former Mayor of Sombor.
The economic and cultural development of the city, begun in the seventies of the 19th century, continued ascending to the first decade of the 20th century, and at that time the city gained its appearance, which it has preserved to this day. At that time, many well-known and wealthy families in the city are raised in cemeteries of representative graves and chapels as one of the proofs of their economic power. The Orthodox cemetery was erected in 1868 by the Radic chapel and in 1882 the Ostojic chapel. Famous Serbian family Manojlovic started building a family chapel, for which the project was made in 1914 by engineer Istvan Vaci. In the Historical Archives in Subotica, the project of non-isansional stylistic orientation has been preserved. Due to the outbreak of war, there was no completion of the building (today preserved crypt).
Chapel Milinović was erected in 1898 and was built with the stylistic characteristics of the eclectic. It is located on the right side of the Orthodox cemetery, east-west, in the vicinity of Ostojic chapel. The name of the designer is not known, but according to the similarity with the raised chapels on the Bay and Senci cemetery, which is reflected in monumentality and architectural conception, it would be said that this is the work of a more famous subotica architect. It was built of solid material, a square base, with a central double wing entrance to which four stairs water. The entrance has a form of a Greek temple, and it is marked by two pillars that end with simple capitals of floral decoration. On the capitals there is a profiled architrave above which the inscription is the Family Tomb of Stevan Milinović. Above is a triangular tympanum with a decorative toothy array.The façade is made in a yellow, facade, while the edges are marked with stone blocks. In the lofty part of all four facades, a series of brackets, astragalus, gears and a series of meander are running. On a shallow roof, an octagonal tambour with a finishing shaped wreath rises in the central part. The tambour is surrounded by a facade yellow brick with a pronounced angular pilasters. There are four windows with unfinished stained glass on the tambour. Tambour wears a dome with eight lions covered with sheet metal. From the central side, a central coat of arms was placed above the entrance to the tambour in the relief. The interior of the chapel was simply handled with marble walls, and only in the pandatifs are the figures of the evangelists – St. Mateja, sv. Luke, sv. Marka i sv. Jovana Bogoslova.In the lofty part of all four facades, a series of brackets, astragalus, gears and a series of meander are running. On a shallow roof, an octagonal tambour with a finishing shaped wreath rises in the central part. The tambour is surrounded by a facade yellow brick with a pronounced angular pilasters. There are four windows with unfinished stained glass on the tambour. Tambour wears a dome with eight lions covered with sheet metal. From the central side, a central coat of arms was placed above the entrance to the tambour in the relief. The interior of the chapel was simply handled with marble walls, and only in the pandatifs are the figures of the evangelists – St. Mateja, sv. Luke, sv. Marka i sv. Jovana Bogoslova.In the lofty part of all four facades, a series of brackets, astragalus, gears and a series of meander are running. On a shallow roof, an octagonal tambour with a finishing shaped wreath rises in the central part. The tambour is surrounded by a facade yellow brick with a pronounced angular pilasters. There are four windows with unfinished stained glass on the tambour. Tambour wears a dome with eight lions covered with sheet metal. From the central side, a central coat of arms was placed above the entrance to the tambour in the relief. The interior of the chapel was simply handled with marble walls, and only in the pandatifs are the figures of the evangelists – St. Mateja, sv. Luke, sv. Marka i sv. Jovana Bogoslova.The tambour is surrounded by a facade yellow brick with a pronounced angular pilasters. There are four windows with unfinished stained glass on the tambour. Tambour wears a dome with eight lions covered with sheet metal. From the central side, a central coat of arms was placed above the entrance to the tambour in the relief. The interior of the chapel was simply handled with marble walls, and only in the pandatifs are the figures of the evangelists – St. Mateja, sv. Luke, sv. Marka i sv. Jovana Bogoslova.The tambour is surrounded by a facade yellow brick with a pronounced angular pilasters. There are four windows with unfinished stained glass on the tambour. Tambour wears a dome with eight lions covered with sheet metal. From the central side, a central coat of arms was placed above the entrance to the tambour in the relief. The interior of the chapel was simply handled with marble walls, and only in the pandatifs are the figures of the evangelists – St. Mateja, sv. Luke, sv. Marka i sv. Jovana Bogoslova.Marka i sv. Jovana Bogoslova.Marka i sv. Jovana Bogoslova.
The chapel had the function of a tomb, and in recent times posthumous rituals are held in it.

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