Jovan Ostojić (1804-1865) and his wife Terezija (born Zozuk, 1803-1876) were great Subotica Serbian national benefactors, as they rightly claimed already in their time. The basic letter of their Foundation was issued by the Serbian Orthodox Church in 1929, and it was composed by Judge Svetozar Milutinovic. Very little is known about the life of large national liberties. It was not possible to determine the birthplace, even the birthday of John Ostojic, and they knew in the family only that they had come from Parabuci. Theresa was born in Stara Kanjiža, father of Moses and mother Alka, and her grandfather was Timothy, a famous playwright. John was a wealthy merchant and landlord. He started working with a small shop “Kod Kraljevića Marka”, and expanding it, started with a wholesale shop. The wife of Theresa brought him a good dowry of 10,000 forint sheets, calling her in Queen Victoria a queen,and it was not known for Ostojic’s land, but for the queen. As both were worthy and savvy, and the betrothed by the surrender and the rights of the fortresses, they acquired a large property of 600 acres of land. The foundation was founded by Theresa with her testament from June 9, 1866, which was published after her death in 1876. Half of the great estate of enormous value was inherited by relatives, and the long half was left to the Foundation. Up to 1934, 85 academically-educated Serbs were studied from the proceeds from the renting of rented property. They are equipped with a good dowry of 74 subotica girls and it is possible for Matica Serbian printing a large number of literary works by our best writers. Then, the work of the Serbian Singing Society, the Serbian National Theater in Novi Sad and dr.As both were worthy and savvy, and the betrothed by the surrender and the rights of the fortresses, they acquired a large property of 600 acres of land. The foundation was founded by Theresa with her testament from June 9, 1866, which was published after her death in 1876. Half of the great estate of enormous value was inherited by relatives, and the long half was left to the Foundation. Up to 1934, 85 academically-educated Serbs were studied from the proceeds from the renting of rented property. They are equipped with a good dowry of 74 subotica girls and it is possible for Matica Serbian printing a large number of literary works by our best writers. Then, the work of the Serbian Singing Society, the Serbian National Theater in Novi Sad and dr.As both were worthy and savvy, and the betrothed by the surrender and the rights of the fortresses, they acquired a large property of 600 acres of land. The foundation was founded by Theresa with her testament from June 9, 1866, which was published after her death in 1876. Half of the great estate of enormous value was inherited by relatives, and the long half was left to the Foundation. Up to 1934, 85 academically-educated Serbs were studied from the proceeds from the renting of rented property. They are equipped with a good dowry of 74 subotica girls and it is possible for Matica Serbian printing a large number of literary works by our best writers. Then, the work of the Serbian Singing Society, the Serbian National Theater in Novi Sad and dr.they acquired a huge property of 600 acres of land. The foundation was founded by Theresa with her testament from June 9, 1866, which was published after her death in 1876. Half of the great estate of enormous value was inherited by relatives, and the long half was left to the Foundation. Up to 1934, 85 academically-educated Serbs were studied from the proceeds from the renting of rented property. They are equipped with a good dowry of 74 subotica girls and it is possible for Matica Serbian printing a large number of literary works by our best writers. Then, the work of the Serbian Singing Society, the Serbian National Theater in Novi Sad and dr.they acquired a huge property of 600 acres of land. The foundation was founded by Theresa with her testament from June 9, 1866, which was published after her death in 1876. Half of the great estate of enormous value was inherited by relatives, and the long half was left to the Foundation. Up to 1934, 85 academically-educated Serbs were studied from the proceeds from the renting of rented property. They are equipped with a good dowry of 74 subotica girls and it is possible for Matica Serbian printing a large number of literary works by our best writers. Then, the work of the Serbian Singing Society, the Serbian National Theater in Novi Sad and dr.and the long half was left to the Foundation. Up to 1934, 85 academically-educated Serbs were studied from the proceeds from the renting of rented property. They are equipped with a good dowry of 74 subotica girls and it is possible for Matica Serbian printing a large number of literary works by our best writers. Then, the work of the Serbian Singing Society, the Serbian National Theater in Novi Sad and dr.and the long half was left to the Foundation. Up to 1934, 85 academically-educated Serbs were studied from the proceeds from the renting of rented property. They are equipped with a good dowry of 74 subotica girls and it is possible for Matica Serbian printing a large number of literary works by our best writers. Then, the work of the Serbian Singing Society, the Serbian National Theater in Novi Sad and dr.
The villa in Palic has provided opportunities for the treatment and recovery of Serbs, the poor and sick, children and adults. In 1951, it was replaced for two buildings in Subotica (today in Zmaj Jovina Street, No. 5 and 7), and the house on the “main square” (today Trg Republike 4) was rented.
In the Basic Letter under Count 2, it is stated that the church municipality will be obliged to raise a chapel in the Orthodox cemetery in the Orthodox cemetery and in the land of the remnants of the conspirator and within two years from the funds obtained by renting the house on the “main square” and the garden in Palic. Buried her husband. The subcommittee for the construction of the chapel was selected by Titus Mackovich in 1879 as a designer. Construction works were completed in 1881, and in 1882 the chapel was supplied with all necessary church woes. It was refreshed on Petrovdan in 1883.
The chapel of Ostojić is dedicated to the Great Teacher of St. Georgia and is located in the northwestern part of the Orthodox cemetery east-west. The chapel is a fine example of leaving the “South-South” type of buildings with a bell tower on the façade, keeping the elements of neoclassicism and suggesting the renewal of the “Serbian-Isisan style” by applying certain elements such as – the dome, pandantifi, a crossed array of blind arcades on the facade, as a determinant of the Orthodox temple.
The square is a base, built of solid material with a semicircular apse in the east, which ends on the outside side polygonally. On the side facades, the same shape of the apse is repeated, only smaller dimensions. The portal is staircase, artfully finished, and above it is a plaque with an inscription, centrally placed, which breaks down a series of blind arcades in the triangular field. At the corners are emphasized rustically processed pilasters with centrally positioned longitudinal niche. A wide pilaster on which there was a bell rose to the darkness of the gable. The loop toothed frieze carries a roof on four water, and at the corners are four domes resting on hexagonal tambourines. At the top there is a lantern with arched windows and a dome-shaped dome. Dormitories carry crosses, and the roof is covered with eternal plates.
Inside, there is the iconostasis, as well as a larger crucifix whose wooden part is the work of the Jule Molnar workshop, and it is also attributed to the production of all other carpentry works in the chapel. Iconostasis is made without stylistic features, and the surface is divided into three horizontal lines. The icons were painted by Karoly Sauer, who had already worked for the needs of the church. The subcommittee for the construction of the chapel “that this shop would have professional supervision and that it would be done properly”, was entrusted to the supervision of Lajos Shojmoshi, a teacher of fine arts.

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