During the first decade of the twentieth century, cellular stations along with dissolved farms around Subotica received their cellular facilities. In 1910, projects for typical cellular objects were made. One such preserved and still functioning cell is the Naumovićevo cellar (now Šomčić’s farm). This building is characterized by its stylistic characteristics by the flows of the Hungarian secessionist variant, which around 1910 accepts the increasingly modern European conception, eliminating the elements of folk folklore. The building is according to the architectural construction, the consistent layout of the mass and the emphasized verticalism, the aesthetic elements and the well-executed decorations of the wall surfaces, certainly one of the more successful solutions of typical cellular objects with a functional layout of space. The ground floor is exclusively provided for business premises and for communication of passengers,while the floor space is a living space. The main communication of the passengers is in the central part which is emphasized on the facades, broken and concealed sides with the portals and in the upper part with vertical strips in the decorative facade.

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