In 1883, Sente City Council decided to build six schools in Silesia. The construction of these schools was started in 1884, and the classes began as early as next year. For the construction of each school, the land is purchased, half a square meter of the “chain” of the land. The works were entrusted to Istvan Grundbek, a construction contractor. Of these six schools, the only school in Ada has retained its original function. Since its construction up to now, the school has not undergone significant changes, except that after a great fire in 1895, the roof covering of the shingle was replaced by a tile. The building was built after the then valid conditions, one classroom and a teacher’s apartment. The classroom occupies one third of the rectangular base of the building, and two thirds are reserved for the hallway and teacher’s apartment, with two rooms, kitchen, storage room with attic entrance. The building was built of bullets or shells,which would be subsequently determined. The side facade of the building has seven window openings, and accordingly, the inhabitants call it “a school with seven windows”. The lower part of the windows are wings with three window windows, while the upper wings with two window windows that open in the field. The windows are made according to the usual form of a village house, with the dimensions of the window adapted to the function of the school.

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