The iconostasis was brought from the Vojlovica monastery, for which it was too big, so its origin is unknown. On the back of the iconostasis there are data on the origin and reconstruction, where it was said that the iconostas was painted in 1752, rebuilt in 1891, and completely depicted in 1931. The first date is incorrect and comes from the icon of the Virgin, where it is recorded on a buckle that holds himation. But it is an iconographic figure, not a historical record of the time of the painting of the iconostasis, which, according to the architectural conception, carvings and pictorial poetics, originated a few decades later. The year 1752 was removed from the template used by the master and is known from some of the performances of the Arabian Mother of God. The architecture of the barrier is without pillars that emphasize the vertical split. The icons frames are asymmetric, as in the handshake. Ornaments are made up of ordinary and plastered tapes,slender long twisted leaves, wreaths of laurel leaves. Through the frames of the prestonic icons, a wavy breeze is freely wrapped, which is delimited by the flowers of rose. The construction is easy, there is no classical concept. Although the iconostasis is roughly coated, the quality work of a late Baroque master is expected, which in certain compositions serves archaic iconographic solutions. On precious icons as well as on icons with apostles, the figures are solid, short, wide and disproportionate.On precious icons as well as on icons with apostles, the figures are solid, short, wide and disproportionate.On precious icons as well as on icons with apostles, the figures are solid, short, wide and disproportionate.
The author of the iconostasis in Choki is unknown but gently blue and blue-green, light-colored color, the attitude of Christ, the characters of the Holy Archery on the door (a long face with round, slightly naked eyes) reminders of the work of Zachary Orfelin (1726-1785).
The iconostasis has a total of 49 icons. There are two standing figures in the socle, in the background there is a wall of architecture. One person has a crown and archery clothes, and the other is a crown, a chiton, and a himation. The composition of the Holy Family depicts Ana sitting in a sitting position as she embraces the Virgin, who reads the book on her lap. Joakim is standing still further. The background is monochromatic, green-brown. The composition of the Temptation of Christ does not have a similarity with Orfelinov, left Christ in the direction of the viewer, and puts his hand to the side. The devil is shown in the profile on the right, approaching Christ, holding a bag in his hands. In the background there are two green hills, and on the slope of the hill two trees. The Use of John the Baptist – St. John the Baptist John the Baptist is shown in front of a high building with small square towers, as he lowered his head to a tas that dutifully holds a young woman standing on the podium.Behind her is an assistant. Prestone icons: Sv. Nikola, the Virgin, Christ and John the Baptist are completely coated. St. Nicholas in his right hand holds a skipper, and in the left book. The Virgin in the right hand holds a cry, and in the left Christ. Jesus Christ blesses with his right hand and holds the ball in his left hand. Sv. Port in the right hand holds a putty, in the left coil. It seems that the lower layer is removed to the base, because through the color you can see the fiber of the tree.
On the side doors are archers, left Grigorii Bogoslov, to the right is Vasily the Great. They are presented in a standing position, turned in the direction of the viewer. The ground and the horizon are limited by a straight line.
There are Blessings at the imperial door. The left is the Virgin, and the right is the Archangel. Virgin on the podium, and the Archangel on the clouds. The composition of Christ in the house near Luke and Cleopatra is located above the northern doors. Christ in the house of Marta and Mary is above the southern door.
The secret dinner is above the imperial door, and the apostles sit around the circular table. The first plan is in the middle empty, so that Christ and his two disciples are clearly visible to him. In the second zone there is a central icon on which the Crown of the Virgin is presented, with icons in two strands. Below are the festive scenes, above them apostles. There are twelve holidays and twelve apostles.
Description of the scenes left and right: Birth of the Virgin, Vavedenje. The Trimming Composition consists of two groups in the background two walls-parts of the building. Baptism, Birth of Christ, Baptism, Transfiguration, Blooms, Resurrection – Hailing. In the foreground, the Virgin and the angels are in one line, and behind them are to the left and to the right the Apostles in the depths of the triangular scheme. On the hill behind stands Christ, around which there are beams of light. Everything is coated. In the third zone around the cross are the Virgin and Jovan Bogoslov, and on the side there are three medallions with prophets, connected with lightly twisted lozenges. The middle icon in that zone, the Crown of the Virgin, is completely mirrored. In festive scenes, colors are very gentle. The Archer Throne, one tetrapod and the singing form have a Baroque and Rococo decoration, which is not the same stylization as the iconostasis, and it seems to be older.There is a presumption that they belonged to an older iconostasis. Ripids have wooden rays and decorative decorations, but the scenes are coated. Preserved icons are painted on a sheet, and some wall painting, an unknown author of the XIX century, in the altar.