The Old Town House in Senta, for which the foundation stone was laid on August 19, 1830, burnt on April 16, 1911 at the same time as the church “Szt. István “. According to the records of the City Council Senta, we find out that in 1912 a decision was made to call a public competition for the development of a new Town House project. The project was approved by the Friars Kovač (KOVÁCS FRIGYES) project, architects from Budapest and the construction company Seile Antala, also from Budapest. The building was completed on October 23, 1914. Today it serves the needs of the administration. In one part, the City Archives is located, and the terrestrial part is a shopping center, as it is foreseen by the project. The building is formed of four wings that form a large rectangular courtyard. The central mass of the frontal part of the building lies on a monumental arcade line,above which the window sills are open, and above the central three arcades above the trunk, there are three symmetrically arranged balconies, forming the basics in a form with a decorative balustrade made of wrought iron. The dynamics of the facade is emphasized by the vertical division of this whole, by an unaltered array of pilasters and by massive semi-lobules with cannels. Above the parapet strip is a decorative frieze, by which the rectangular slabs in the mortar and the stylized flower of the margarita are alternately replaced, placed in the oval, as it was imposed by the surface, which was contaminated with garlands. The frieze ends up with a wreath of stylized floral motifs and rosary-type rosary, above which the cornice is profiled, and above it is the canelised frieze, where the coat of arms is placed in the center, decorated with baroque plastic floral ornament.and above the central three arcades above the corsetry there are three symmetrically arranged balconies, the basics in the form of a decorative balustrade made of wrought iron. The dynamics of the facade is emphasized by the vertical division of this whole, by an unaltered array of pilasters and by massive semi-lobules with cannels. Above the parapet strip is a decorative frieze, by which the rectangular slabs in the mortar and the stylized flower of the margarita are alternately replaced, placed in the oval, as it was imposed by the surface, which was contaminated with garlands. The frieze ends up with a wreath of stylized floral motifs and rosary-type rosary, above which the cornice is profiled, and above it is the canelised frieze, where the coat of arms is placed in the center, decorated with baroque plastic floral ornament.and above the central three arcades above the corsetry there are three symmetrically arranged balconies, the basics in the form of a decorative balustrade made of wrought iron. The dynamics of the facade is emphasized by the vertical division of this whole, by an unaltered array of pilasters and by massive semi-lobules with cannels. Above the parapet strip is a decorative frieze, by which the rectangular slabs in the mortar and the stylized flower of the margarita are alternately replaced, placed in the oval, as it was imposed by the surface, which was contaminated with garlands. The frieze ends up with a wreath of stylized floral motifs and rosary-type rosary, above which the cornice is profiled, and above it is the canelised frieze, where the coat of arms is placed in the center, decorated with baroque plastic floral ornament.The dynamics of the facade is emphasized by the vertical division of this whole, by an unaltered array of pilasters and by massive semi-lobules with cannels. Above the parapet strip is a decorative frieze, by which the rectangular slabs in the mortar and the stylized flower of the margarita are alternately replaced, placed in the oval, as it was imposed by the surface, which was contaminated with garlands. The frieze ends up with a wreath of stylized floral motifs and rosary-type rosary, above which the cornice is profiled, and above it is the canelised frieze, where the coat of arms is placed in the center, decorated with baroque plastic floral ornament.The dynamics of the facade is emphasized by the vertical division of this whole, by an unaltered array of pilasters and by massive semi-lobules with cannels. Above the parapet strip is a decorative frieze, by which the rectangular slabs in the mortar and the stylized flower of the margarita are alternately replaced, placed in the oval, as it was imposed by the surface, which was contaminated with garlands. The frieze ends up with a wreath of stylized floral motifs and rosary-type rosary, above which the cornice is profiled, and above it is the canelised frieze, where the coat of arms is placed in the center, decorated with baroque plastic floral it was imposed by the surface, which was contaminated with garlands. The frieze ends up with a wreath of stylized floral motifs and rosary-type rosary, above which the cornice is profiled, and above it is the canelised frieze, where the coat of arms is placed in the center, decorated with baroque plastic floral it was imposed by the surface, which was contaminated with garlands. The frieze ends up with a wreath of stylized floral motifs and rosary-type rosary, above which the cornice is profiled, and above it is the canelised frieze, where the coat of arms is placed in the center, decorated with baroque plastic floral ornament.
The roof of this whole is basically in the form of ovals with a stepped dome, with a quadruple lantern at the top. Right alongside the building, acting as a mass for itself, a square tower is raised from the base, with three-wing windows in two floors, and the upper ones are with a glazed arch window. The surfaces between the two floors are decorated with a plastic stylized geometric and floral ornament and above is a balcony that runs around the mass of the tower with a wrought iron balustrade. The verticals of the upper tower parts are accentuated by shallow rectangular semi-lobes and elongated narrow windows, and above is the console row that carries a balcony with a balustrade and the same motive as the first one. The upper part of the tower is richly razed by verticals – rhizalites, semi-lobbies, with blind portals on each side. The upper balcony follows basically the rhythm of the lower floors,while the construction of the top of the tower is most revealing, with six pilasters in the function of a counterfoil and a series of narrow windows, and covered with a shallow tent roof.
Along the four wings of the building in the ground floor, there are large arched openings – expositions, and the facade is decorated with rustics in the plaster.

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