The wind farm in Obornjača according to the oral tradition was built in the nineties of the XIX century for the Gabor Pastiana family. She was in service until 1966, when her last owner, Jozef Pastian, died. According to the memory of local residents, from the 1930s, the windmill was used for grinding corn, except during the Second World War, when the cereals were re-grinding.
Windmill is a two-pronged economic facility, a circular base characteristic of our region. It was built of chips, on the outside with a brick lining. The mill was covered by a shingle until 1967, when it was replaced with a sheet. Since the sheet is poorly installed, the building suffers from atmospheric precipitation and is rapidly decaying. The height of the building is 11.5 m, and the ground floor is 9.5 m. By type, it belongs to smaller windmills due to dimensions. Wooden roof construction inside the attic space that is used to drive the windmill is heavily worn out. It consists of a ringed wooden cushion and slides the roof and turns. The entire drive part is in a state of exhaustion, but is preserved due to the constant lubrication of the beam from the attic for easy rotation. The ring cushion is mounted on the top of the windmill wall, and is connected to 14 wooden pads that are mounted in the wall and are positioned radially on a ring cushion.
At the time of the initiation of the protection procedure, the internal mechanism of the windmill was in relatively good condition, only the mother was broken, while the big wheel and the attic wheel was in the proper condition. The windmill worked with one stone, it did not have a transfer wheel, but the stain with wheels was directly attached to a large wheel. The donkey is preserved from the stone. There was no removing stone as well as a grain hopper. On the ground floor there was also a crate for the flour. The windshield elise is missing, only one part left, and all other parts for rotation and braking do not exist.
In 1985, the initiative for restoration and revitalization of the windmill facility was initiated, and due to lack of funds, only partially the project documentation was made.

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